About Us
About Us

Maximizing student achievement is the number one priority at Palomar High School. Our rigorous and relevant curriculum is based on the California academic content standards and supports our Expected Learning Results. School-wide targets include improved actual attendance, digital literacy and digital citizenship skills, and increased numbers of students returning to their home schools or graduating from Palomar.
Palomar High School has been the only continuation high school for the Sweetwater Union High School District for more than 27 years. Palomar High School is fully accredited by The Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) and has been recognized a Model Continuation High School by the state of California for three consecutive five year terms.
Palomar is located in the City of Chula Vista, a diverse and rapidly growing city located between San Diego and the U.S./ Mexico border. Palomar High School educated a culturally and ethnically diverse population.
A Model Continuation High School
Palomar High School prides itself in being a small learning community with dedicated, caring certificated and classified staff. Palomar’s highly qualified teachers average over 14 years of service at Palomar.
The average class size is approximately 17 students, compared to a district average of 29.5. Each classroom recently acquired a classroom set of internet-ready laptop computers for student use, and many teachers have begun the to facilitate a blended online and in-class learning experience.
Palomar’s purpose is to provide a credit recovery option for those students who are behind on high school credits. The school runs on a two-session system, with flexible scheduling available to support student learning in special circumstances as determined by school administration, attendance supervisor and counselors working in concert. Students who are 16 years or older, are scheduled into classes according to graduation requirements based on their personalized educational programs. Students requiring additional support in core subject areas are offered a variety of courses including math support.
Although they boast no traditionally competitive sports teams, Palomar provides numerous opportunities for students to develop socially and academically including several extracurricular clubs.