English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC)

English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC)

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Palomar High School would like to inform you about the ELAC meetings that take place every school year. ELAC is a parent committee that oversees the school program that refers to English Learners (EL). ELAC meetings include information in regards to EL programs, resources, and waivers. The importance of regular school attendance along with the district attendance policies is also an important topic that gets to be covered. Lastly, ELAC reviews school site plan for English Learners (EL), educational programs, and discusses the importance of school needs assessment. Evaluation and reviews of the Annual Language Census (R-30) is part of the discussion for ELAC to improve the educational programs. For more information contact:

Norma Avila
Email: chataavila72@gmail.com

Mrs. Iliana Cole
ELAC Coordinator
Email: iliana.cole@sweetwaterschools.org
Phone: (619)-407-4800

Estimados Padres de Familia,

La escuela Palomar quiere informales sobre las juntas de ELAC. ELAC es un comite para supervisar los programas para los estudiantes aprendices de Ingles. Las juntas de ELAC son para informales sobre leyes estatales y federales, responsabilidades, repaso y aprobacion de reglamentos. Las Juntas de ELAC tambien son sobre la importancia de asistencia y las polizas del distrito. Por ultimo, se repasan las necesidades anuales y el censo de lenguaje para mejorar los programas para los estudiantes aprendices de Ingles. Para mas informacion:

Norma Avila

Email: chataavila72@gmail.com

Mrs. Iliana Cole
ELAC Coordinator

Email:  iliana.cole@sweetwaterschools.org

Phone: (619) 407-4800

ELAC Meeting Minutes

Date: 11/7/24 English LINK Spanish LINK

Date: 8/15/24 English LINK Spanish LINK

Date: 5/14/24 (Current) LINK

Date: 2/12/24 LINK

Date: 12/7/23 LINK